During COVID, Transgrid were unable to employ their usual metro-based experts for a local Tamworth project. Instead, they relied on LessPlex. We were able to complete the project on time and with no lost time injury (LTI).

The TransGrid Q & I project involved high risk demolition, heights, high voltage work and high risk education work and inductions.
With 120 people on the site and significant language barriers with some, we were happy to have 0 lost time injury (LTI). The expected injury amount was 10 people.
We dealt with mental health exemptions due to COVID, but managed to get the project completed within the timeframe, 18-months.
LessPlex provided ongoing WHS specialist support as required, as well as regular drug and alcohol testing.
When management was absent, Mitch took the role of site manager.
Transgrid were very happy with the results, inviting LessPlex to join the Transgrid auditing panel.
The high level of customer satisfaction also meant we were able to build strong relationships with both management and other contractors.
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